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My day begins…

At around 6.30am when I get up ahead of the rest of the household and do a quick morning workout before mum duties kick in! My working day starts at about 8 am when I am on my way in. Pulling my thoughts together as to what I must get through throughout the day, focusing on meetings I have and things I need to chase up. First thing I do when I reach my desk is switch on the PC, and that gives me a good opportunity to grab my first of many coffees!

I am responsible for…

a fair amount which is reasonable, given I’m the Director! I’ve always been keen to manage my own desk because I would never expect my team to do a job I couldn’t. I also work closely with each of my colleagues, giving them the support they need, and of course, I manage projecting the agency as it should be seen – a client-centric focus with a hint of excitement as to what we can do.

My favourite part of my job is…

The human aspect. I really enjoy building relationships with both clients and candidates and learning about their aspirations for their firms and careers. I also love the nature of the unknown as to what you will discover from both sides and then putting them together. Finding someone a new role is an amazing feeling especially when it’s not part of their plan but it should have been!

My least favourite part of my job is...

The admin! I’m so rubbish at it but I do have a cheat with my fantastic Office Manager Gabby. We have regular catch ups and she offers constant support, which keeps my paperwork on track, freeing up my time to keep my focus on improving client relationships, team morale and working with our marketing manager on our digital presence and Business Development.

I finish work at…

As close to 5pm as I can because I genuinely feel that we all need a life outside work. I make sure that the agency is committed to flexible working and a strong work/life balance is kept across the entire team. Once the office is locked up, and my to-do list for the next day is sorted, and on nights where I’m not out for dinner with friends, I head home to spend my evenings with my family and beautiful Birman cats.  

My hopes for the future are…

Ultimately, that this amazing industry finally gets the accolade that it should have. Recruitment’s reputation has always been misleading when actually we offer a great additional value and knowledge to teams across sectors and businesses.

For the agency, well we have a very exciting couple of quarters coming up, but I hope we continue to excel in client and candidate care, constantly showcasing our expertise, knowledge and value.

To find out more about our team and what role they play in the agency, please click here.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment