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How to secure the top talent in today’s market and keep them


The last two years have been a steep learning curve for the jobs market, and never more so than in the legal sector. Post-pandemic, the market has changed drastically- and while things are certainly starting to get easier, challenges still remain.

Here at LR Legal, we’re acutely aware of the struggles employers face right now, and we know how vital it is to recognise the impact of the changes that are taking place in the legal industry. So how can LR Legal help law firms not only secure the top talent in today’s difficult market but keep them too?

We know the importance of being flexible

Flexible working is here to stay, and employers need to embrace this. More and more candidates want to work for a firm that can move away from the traditional 9-5 routine, and employers need to be ready and willing to accommodate this massive shift in the market.

Here at LR Legal, we’ve always taken a flexible approach with our team, and post-pandemic we’ve adapted further to ensure that our employees feel valued and supported- not to mention able to do their job well. Offering a flexible working solution to prospective candidates helps to widen the talent pool exponentially and opens up vast new opportunities for exciting collaborations.

Flexible working in the legal industry is more than just a buzz word and the importance of candidate care is at the top of the list, starting even before the interview. Think about how you can show support to employees before they sign on the dotted line.

Be open to flexible working solutions from the outset; ultimately, adopting this way of working will allow you as an employer to reap the benefits of more motivated and productive staff. It also helps iron out teething issues so that you can get this right for your firm. When it comes to recruitment, the top talent are more likely to come to you if you recognise this.

We know employers need to offer great benefits

It’s not just flexible working hours that employees are demanding right now. What you offer as an employment package matters too- a lot. Almost every industry is being forced to increase their salary offers right now, but in many cases that just isn’t enough.

According to our 2023 salary survey, 61% of those we spoke to said that they secured a new role with a pay rise, but overall the most popular benefit that employers could offer was the opportunity to work from home. Other top benefits were more holidays, an attractive bonus scheme, and private medical/ dental care. Only 34% of those we spoke to reported being happy with their current benefits package- and with 28% saying they’ll be looking to change jobs this year, it’s clear that employers need to be taking these findings seriously. Take a look at the full salary survey here.

Employees are motivated by opportunities to progress within their career too- so what does the career path look like to potential candidates joining your firm? Continued professional development is vital to show new employees that you’re as invested in their success as they are; of course, the added bonus for employers is a team of highly skilled and efficient staff who are ready and willing to take on future challenges. A great career progression package is just as attractive to existing staff as it is to prospective candidates.

So, are you open to discussing more than just salary?

We need to look after our current staff

How often do law firms ask the important question to their current employees? What do their employees think about working at the firm? What are the pros and cons?

Larger firms do tend to have HR Departments who look after staff needs, however, this does not only apply to larger firms.

A simple anonymous poll or questionnaire allows firms to get to know where the pain points are. If you are a small team, partners/management might already know what these are, however, knowing and acting may make the difference to an employee leaving or staying.

Your current employees are the best advert you could have for your firm to attract new staff.

We understand the need for diversity, equity and inclusion

More and more candidates are looking for an employer who understands just how crucial it is to have solid diversity and inclusion policies in place. To strive for equity, and to ensure that all employees are not only heard and respected, but safe and valued within their team too. It’s not just a box-ticking exercise; it’s vital for success, particularly when it comes to recruiting our future leaders.

A diverse workforce is one that can offer a variety of viewpoints on one single issue. It’s a workforce that can truly thrive throughout challenging times, with innovative ideas and more creative thinking. It’s a workforce that leads with fresh ideas, new perspectives, and boundless energy from multiple directions.

The way that you present the values you hold is crucial for employer branding too. Your reputation says a lot about you even before the candidate has set foot in the door, so make sure your first impression is a good one.

In today’s market, it’s clear that most employers will need some help when it comes to hiring the right people for their law firm. Here at LR Legal, we know what it takes to get the right person for the job. We constantly nurture the relationships we make, so that the next ideal candidates are always at our fingertips, ready to join your team when you need them. Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment